Android has become the new in thing. Gone are the days when Symbian was seen as the most popular platform for mobile phones. Android being open-source has undergone a rapid growth and the mobile phone market scenario has changed a lot because of it.
Providing over 20,000 applications, Android market seems to be pretty successful in overtaking the app market. The Android app market is being run by Google but 3rd party app developers are allowed to place their applications for download.
Maybe being linked to Google is one of the major reasons behind Android’s exceptional success. Well, as far as Android is considered, developers have done a commendable job creating such innovative and out of the box apps for it that Android powered devices can be used for performing all digital tasks. From listening to music to decoding bar codes, with the help of a wide variety of applications, Android powered devices can be used to do almost anything.
And thus from the hundreds of music apps available for Android, we have compiled a list of 5 best music player apps for your android powered device :

doubleTwist is a free application and has been able to make a transition from iTunes to Android. If you are willing to shell out some cents, this cool little application allows wireless synchronization of your desktop PC with your Android device. Super cool!

It is a cloud based application, similar to doubleTwist it allows you wireless synchronization among devices. But the best thing about this application is that it is absolutely free.
Another great feature of this music application is that it comes with a free live wallpaper that shows up your album artwork while the app is running.

Cubed offers an awesome User-Interface and thus adds to the visual appeal of your android device. An amazing feature that this cool looking application features is the scrolling ability by just flicking the 3D cube.
The application makes listening to music much more fascinating and being rated 4.5/5 by over 15,000 people is a big deal!

The MIUI app comes pre-installed with the MIUI ROM and is not available in the Android app market. Well, it is a great application and proves to be a good replacement for the stock applications available.
You can download it via XDA from here.

Winamp is one of the oldest media players that I have come across. It had been pretty popular on Desktop PC’s and now it comes to Android. Winamp has a great fan-base and thus it deserves to be on the list.
Winamp provides wireless syncing among your PC and the android device via WiFi.
Well, as you can see we have a compilation of some fairly great media applications. Do you prefer any of your personal favorites over these applications ? Share your comments with us.
you can try Mood Agent from android application,
Mood Agent is a smart audio player that can identify different types of music and recommend songs based on audience mood. Users do not need to tag music for a particular mood, because this application works automatically.
Thank you very much for the list! 🙂
i need a music player which plays all bit rated songs like 128 kbps -190kbps….. suggest me a android player
nice way of presentation sir plz write one post on how to increase backlink if you can.
apps other than doubletwist and winamp suckz… my favorite apps are real player, poweramp, they are best music players out there in android…
You say that any others aside from doubletwist and winamp sucks. Yet you go on to say that your favorite is real player and poweramp. Learn basic english please.
try, gonemad music player! this beats poweramp down for sound quality 🙂
you should consider music playerpro, powerAMP, and ttpod too.
I like the MIUI player most. Thanks for the list I’m going to test other players also.
Where is the best place to start an atsrology blog meant to teach people. Should I start my blog using yahoo blogs, blog spot, or livejournal? Thanks!
I use Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V. Real good phone but the bundled ear phones don’t go with the phone’s caliber. Is there any app or a music player which is fully compatible with Nokia WH-701 Head set which has prev/next button.
Hello. I’m a s60v5 user. I have a program called power mp3 ver1.17. It has 100 volume levels, editable EQ, and a balance changer (I really do need this, since one of my ears is ill). So, can any of the android music players do these? I’m going to buy an android phone, but this issue is crucial for me. Please respond as quick as you can and as positive as you can.
try ROCKBOX for android.if u never care about interface but maintain sound quality for the most,rockbox is the will turn your usual android sound into an ipod sound.