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Why To Choose AngularJS For Your Next Project

AngularJS is a Google product and is one of the popular JavaScript MVC framework that makes the front end web development much easier. It consists of various frameworks and plugins that are very useful for both designers as well as developers. AngularJS helps in building most organized web applications that are well architectured and easily maintainable.

The 16 Top Certifications Vendors for IT Services

Nowadays, in order to be recognized as an IT professional who is capable of offering IT reliable services, you need to obtain certifications. The certifications can therefore be viewed as the ultimate marks of quality in IT professionals. Without them, one easily gets treated as a poseur, or some sort of IT quack, regardless of

How to sell online

Buy Or Sell Online

Selling and buying online has become a trend now. At present people are juggling into these kinds of online markets where you can have access to thousands of used and second hand products. We, as humans, usually get bored of items we use daily and need a change after a particular period, or sometimes we

The Disappearance of Books- Welcome to the Digital Age!

Books used to be treasured items, with entire rooms designated only for books and other reading materials. Today, however, books are starting to turn into an endangered species. With the rise of digital literature, and the ease and power of that technology, the book is becoming harder and harder to find. Fall from Grace of

Watching The Game Was Never So Interactive !

Long ago, people would spend Saturday afternoons on the terraces with a tinny little radio clamped to one sweaty ear, as they tried to keep up with results from across the country. Then somebody invented a way to carry the internet around with you. Tablets and smartphones have revolutionized the way we enjoy sport. Screen

OLX available for your smartphones and tablets

There is no doubt that OLX is one of the most useful sites for selling and buying products and services. However, this company is not satisfied only with leading this market and being situated in the top 20 most visited sites in India. Since this company started in March 2006, it hasn´t stopped working in

Spy on Skype Conversations with NetSpy

Spying on Skype conversation is now possible. If you have heard about mobile spy software and have the impression that it can monitor the internal activities on your mobile phone from your SMS messages and email conversation, then you are underestimating the powerful spying features of a mobile spy app. It does not merely offers