The issue of web security and cross-site scripting was back in the media recently, after a blog post by Costin Raiu, the director of the global research & analysis team at Kaspersky Lab, highlighted a potential issue with Adobe Flash Player version and older. Posted on Kaspersky Lab’s official blog, the article suggests that ChromeOS, Linux,
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Top 5 Companies that Deal with Online Security
In the booming tech-sphere, online security has become more important than ever – for the SMB, sole proprietorship and large corporation. Hackers are getting more sophisticated at finding ways to compromise your information architecture, which has paved the way for more powerful measures to stop them. These services are being extended even to the individual,
Identity Theft – Your Identity Is No Longer Yours
Your name, your address, your social security number, your pan card and many more things are your identity and just imagine what will happen if you got none or moreover someone else is using your identity. Well just imagine the situation with two people having everything same and there is nothing you have different to