Blogging is the new “in” thing in the web world. The blogosphere is growing exponentially and as per current growth there is no looking back. From personal blogs to business blogs, the ultimate amount of flexibility that Blogs offer has made them a thing for one and all.
Thousands of new blogs are coming up everyday and each with a somewhat different purpose. Some blog to maintain a personal journal, some for money, follower-ship, fame or just to promote your business or products.
One can blog using the various Content Management Systems available in the market. I personally prefer using WordPress due to the flexibility it offers in both Design and Search Engine optimization.
There are currently a lot of websites that offer you both free and paid ways platforms to create your own blog. As per my experience, I would recommend going with the self-hosted version of wordpress, but if you are not able to afford a domain and a hosting for your blog then here are Top 5 websites to Create your blog for absolutely free.

If you are seeking to use your blog as a personal diary then this site may prove to be the best option for you. It offers common features like multiple authors, commenting, calendars, and polls that are being offered by most of the other blogging platforms too.
Livejournal also offers great social networking features which simplify your job of sharing your content and managing interactions on social media.

Tumblr is a micro-blogging platform where users can post quick notes, photos, videos and quotes. You can even create a network with other tumblr users or just create a private microblog.

Typepad is another and one of the most popular blogging platforms, which was introduced by Six Apart Ltd. in October 2003.
The platform is designed for non-technical users and and features like multiple author support, photo albums and moblogging, makes this platform pretty deserving to be on the list.

Are you a teacher or a student or just want to create a blog made for education purpose only, then Edublogs is the best service for this purpose. Edublogs are highly customizable and you can share videos, photos & podcasts with certain ease.

Blog is a fully featured blogging platform with everything that you need to have to establish a writer’s community.
You get a free subdomain when you sign up at blog which looks something like You get unlimited bandwidth with other basic features as a free user, but upgrading your account is absolutely worth it.
So here were the top 5 websites to create your very own blog for free. If you have been using some other blogging service/platform do share it with us.
Hay Karan
I agree with you WordPress is the best CMS engine for blog or website. All website that you wrote are better than other. Em.. Why don’t you add blogspot too? I think blogspot is still good too.?
But thanks for sharing
Yea Bro, your analyses was good yet the parameters and criteria for your top 5 choice were not set out and made clear to all. This is at best a shoddy work unless you come again. I am waiting to hear more! Thanks.