3 Simple Ways to Create CSS Rounded Corners

Many a times we face the original rectangular and bold corners in the header as well as various boxes and the only thing we think that time is if we could change them to the nice looking round corners with little shades.

This is possible even if your default site builder don’t provide it. Just use the most widely used web page designing language CSS and then you would finally feel proud of your site.
The other reason for changing to rounded corners is that you’ll follow the trend and finally omit the tyranny of the sharp edged boxes or images or navigational area and banners or even buttons.

Here are 3 simple ways to create CSS rounded corners or should i say the most popular ones that we’ll use to make these rounded edges.

1. Google Rounded Corners Generator

this is a small script that will generate the PNG format of the rounded corner so you can enjoy the sleek and nice view.

Just copy the below script and then you are good to go:

http://groups-beta.google.com/groups/roundedcorners? c=999999&bc=white&w=4&h=4&a=tr

here are the parameteres that you can change to get the desired results:

c thecolor, to be specified as the CSS stylus (RGB or RRGGBB).

bc the background color, same acceptable input as c

h height in pixels

w width in pixels

a which corner to generate; tl is top left, tr is top right, bl is bottom left, br is bottom

2. Spiffy Corners

Another great tool to create the rounded corners and the best part is that you don’t need images to do so. It uses the CSS and HTML for creating the rounded corners that not only works in internet explorer but also in the firefox. Visit the site and start generating the code and use them.

3. Cornershop

a nice tool which is a combination of everything you need to create rounded corners, all you need to do is just fill the text box and then the images in and in the end you’ll get the CSS and HTML code.

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