6 ways to improve your adsense CTR

One of the best ways to monetize your website or blog to earn can be done by using Google Adsense. If you want more money from your websites then you need to increase the number of clicks that you get for your ads and this is what is known as the Click through Ratio or CTR, which is an indicator of how high your payout will be.

If you are thinking of increasing your payouts, then do one or the other or all of the following tips, which will work well for you.

Here are the few ways to improve your adsense CTR :

1. Concentrate on format of Adsense:

Try different formats and choose the one that works well for your website. This is because people in your niche might have different thinking and your CTR might be focused on a particular kind of ads. This has been observed that for most of them a large rectangle (336 X 280) ad has seemed to work well. These ads looks like normal web ad slots and will instigate visitors of your website to click these ads and you can enjoy the benefits.

2. Create Custom palette for your Ads:

Make your ads stand out from the auto-generated ads and always choose a color that will match smoothly with the background that will only highlight the ads. Ads with no borders and background colors similar to that of your website are more prominent in increasing the CTR rate for your blog. This is because these ads will make the ads looks like being part of the page.

3 . Location of the Ads matters:

It is advantageous to place the ads at the top of the pages and not at the bottom of the ads, for this is good not to hide your ads if you want more money by increasing the CTR, you must try changing the location of you Adsense and see for yourself how well adsense slots are working for you.

4. Use text rich pages :

There is no room for increasing the Click through ratio using your Adsense ads if the pages on which you place them do not have enough content. People visit pages for the content of the information that you have on your page, and find that you use relevant keywords that the adsense ads targeting your website will be related to the information rich contents of your webpages and will therefore increase the chances of increasing the CTR.

5. Avoid Public service Ads:

While this is not enough that you use ad sense keywords to get content targeted ads, which helps you to gain more click through ratio but at the same time, it is also good to get rid of public service ads, which do not pay anything for the efforts taken by you.

6. Avoid titles

It is not only a waste of time and efforts as there is no need to tell your reader that these are not your producers, while Google claims their copyrights by using titles. This practice will in fact be a reason for a decrease in the CTR of your Ad sense. So avoid mentioning that these are all ads shown in your site.

Comments are always appreciated!!

About Author : Praveen is associated with a web hosting company which has a very good web hosting ratings

9 Replies to “6 ways to improve your adsense CTR”

  1. Hey great post!

    There are some simple easy to follow steps which from the other posters comments can easily make people more money.

    Another option that people overlook is rather than using google ad words, selling the same space to 5-6 advertisers for a fee. That way you can make a lot more money out of the same space.

    Pros of this method: Control over the ads, More money, more relevant (= better click through rate)

    Cons of this method: Time consuming to manage the 5-6 advertisers – however if you are making good money from this method you can outsource this task for a relatively low fee.

    Thanks again for the useful tips!


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